Call La Belle Anerie Hiking with a load-carrying donkey accompanied by a mountain guide or on your own, for a day, two days or on an itinerary, with suggested itineraries. 06 09 93 32 65 Ancelle
Call Electric rosalies SHOPS AND SERVICES Rental of electric rosalies for family hikes (4 people). From 3 years old (front seat) with an adult required to drive the rosalie. 06 78 96 31 80 Orcières
Call Gliss'Add Sports SHOPS AND SERVICES Rental / sale accessories and sports equipment. Book Paragliding School. Tandem baptisms. Paragliding courses. Rental of ski equipment, snowboard an... 06 20 40 71 81 Orcières
Call Ski Center - Bike Center SHOPS AND SERVICES Specialists in family and prestige hire, summer and winter, as well as sports and protective equipment, goggles, masks, helmets, technical luggage, et... 04 92 55 73 04 Orcières
©@Kros-RemiFabregueActivités / VisitesHautes-Alpes (05), Vallée du Champsaur, Brutinel, La Fare-en-Champsaur, le Champ d'Or prépare de façon artisanale des spécialités culinaires du Champsaur-Valgaudemar : Tourtons, Ravioles, Oreilles d'Ane // Hautes-Alpes (05), Champsaur valley, Bénévent-and-Charbillac Tarte Epi d'Or is a biscuit factory that manufactures the famous Tarte Champsaur and offers the sale of handicrafts local products under the brand Saveurs des Montagnes©Hautes-Alpes (05), Vallée du Champsaur, Brutinel, La Fare-en-Champsaur, le Champ d'Or prépare de façon artisanale des spécialités culinaires du Champsaur-Valgaudemar : Tourtons, Ravioles, Oreilles d'Ane // Hautes-Alpes (05), Champsaur valley, Bénévent-and-Charbillac Tarte Epi d'Or is a biscuit factory that manufactures the famous Tarte Champsaur and offers the sale of handicrafts local products under the brand Saveurs des Montagnes|Bertrand BodinOù manger ?