©Oreilles d'âne et spécialité du champsaur
SpécialiteOreilles d'ane

Oreilles d’âne

Oreilles d’ânes

This traditional dish from Valgaudemar takes its name from the wild spinach leaf that is used to prepare it. This must indeed be picked up when it reaches the size and shape of a donkey’s ear.


Pre-cooked lasagna, fresh spinach or chard green (about 800 g), 1 onion, crème fraîche, very clear béchamel, gruyere, salt.
Cooking: 45 min / preparation: 15 min.
Cook the spinach and roughly chop it, salt and pepper, add a pot of cream. In a buttered dish, place a base of lasagna, a layer of spinach preparation, a layer of lasagna… Finish with the lasagna, pour the béchamel sauce and a little cream,
Bake (covered with aluminum foil) not too hot! Gratinate … At the table!